Show your dog you love them, by learning what they love to do (Photo: Golden Retriever laying on his back.)
Have you ever heard of a Basenji? How about a Catahoula Leopard Hound? How much exercise does a Whippet need? Which breed would enjoy doing agility with you and your kids?
Whether you’re interested in learning about dogs, researching to figure out what breed of dog might suit your lifestyle, or discovering more about the dog you already have this blog post is for you!
Which breed of dog would LOVE to do agility with you? Photo: dog running through weave poles.
Many of my clients adopt rescue dogs and then use DNA tests to find out what breeds make up their beautiful dog. If you find out that your new best friend is a Rhodesian Ridgeback mixed with German Shepherd, Akita, and Boerboel and you’d like to learn more about what activities those breeds enjoy the most, head over to You will find information about a wide variety of breeds, including their history, training requirements, exercise needs, health, and temperament.
Happy reading, Dog Leaders!
Fulfilling your dog’s breed need is the best gift you can give them. (Photo: a large, black and tan dog stands in a field.)
Photos by: Stephen Andrews (Golden Retriever laying on his back,) Murilo Viviani (dog running through weave poles,) Lucie Hošová (a large, black and tan dog stands in a field.)