Decrease your stress with these simple dog training tips (Photo: A woman sitting crosslegged on a mountaintop during sunrise)
Feeling stressed out by your dog’s out-of-control behaviour?
If you dread coming home to another accident or to finding out what your dog has destroyed in your home today, it is adding to your daily stress.
If you dread going home because every day you arrive to something cherished that’s been destroyed by your dog, it’s time to schedule your free call for in-home training (Photo: a broken Christmas tree ornament.)
We all know that a balanced diet, getting quality sleep, and having a better work-life balance reduce our overall stress. We also know that having positive relationships are better for us…but that just means with humans, right?!
The amount of owners out there struggling with their dog’s unruly behaviour is staggering. You’re already stressed out by your boss and your coworkers at work; your partner not doing enough chores around the house; and having to constantly referee your kids.
There’s so much on your plate already and the stress of your dog is just teetering on the top. Something has to give.
Your stress is piling up to dangerous levels. It’s time to put yourself first — you deserve to feel calm. (Photo: Avalanche warning sign at the top of a mountain.)
You need to reduce the stress load you’re carrying. Fixing your relationship with your dog will help take some of the stress off your plate.
Follow these three steps for a happier you and the rest will follow.
Grab your calendar and let’s get started. It’s time to take a look at your day.
You’ve heard that expression ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup,’ right? Let’s make sure we take care of YOU because you’re important and special.
Are you making time to eat healthy and hydrate while you’re at work? If not, set an alarm in your calendar that will help you think to drink and get you fed on time. When your blood sugar’s in your boots you become a hangry monster. It’s not helping you with your boss or your coworkers, and it’s certainly not allowing you to have any patience nuggets left when you get home to your furry and human family. So, set the alarm. You’ll thank me later.
Give yourself permission to take care of yourself (Photo: A person filling a water bottle from a stainless steel tap)
You deserve to spend your energy on things that light you up and make you happy. Schedule 15 minutes into your day that are for you. What will you do? Will you revisit an old hobby, like painting? Will you walk in your garden and cut some flowers for a bouquet? Maybe you’ll sit down and read with a glass of water or a cup of tea.
Carve some time out each day that’s just for you (Photo: A girl with a long blonde ponytail contemplates what to paint)
Getting quality sleep is important for your brain health. It also helps increase our patience (which helps with our relationships.) This sleep tip is so simple, but often overlooked: If you want to get enough sleep, say 8 hours, be sure you’re in bed for more than 8 hours. It takes the average person about 25 minutes to fall asleep, so leave yourself time for that.
Set an alarm to remind yourself to get ready for bed so you’re not in a rush. Take time to read, meditate, or treat yourself to a bath beforehand.
You deserve a good night’s sleep (Photo: a woman sleeping on a comfy bed wearing a sleep mask)
Spending time in nature is finally becoming recognized as part of a healthy lifestyle. There’s now scientific evidence that shows the benefit of simply walking in the woods. Isn’t that amazing?!
If you’ve never heard of forest bathing, I hope you check it out and that you enjoy it as much as I do (Photo: a beautiful forest with sunlight filtering in)
Make sure you get outside with your dog for fresh air every day. If your walks are a source of stress, sign up for The Calmness Club™. It’s on sale right now. It’s time to stop the lunging and barking that’s stressing you (and your dog) out.
One of our amazing Calmness Club™ members enjoying her dog Clover’s newfound calmness (Photo: a woman wearing a pale pink top smiles at the camera. Her black poodle is relaxing on an elevated dog bed.)
Since we’re working toward a healthier you, did you know that learning new skills is also great for your brain health?
These three dog training skills will help reduce your stress AND your dog’s stress too.
Remember how you carved out 15 minutes for yourself? We’re going to find another 15 minute block where you’re going to teach your dog a new skill. Maybe you’re sick of him destroying your home and you want to teach him to love his crate. Maybe you want to teach him a trick. Maybe you want him to come when called so you can keep him safe next time he blasts out your front door.
All of these skills will help reduce your stress. You won’t come home to another devoured wall again. YAY!
The new trick will put a smile on your face as well as tiring your pup out. DOUBLE YAY!
Next time someone leaves the door open, he’ll come when called, so you won’t have that feeling of extreme dread anymore. SUPER YAY!
Imagine the feeling of relief you’ll have knowing that if your pup accidentally gets out your front door, he’ll come right back when you call (Photo: a Yellow Lab puppy running toward the camera.)
These skills will also be great for your dog’s health.
Crate time will help him learn to settle when he’s not touching a human, so you’ll be helping him over his separation anxiety.
Tricks are great for burning up physical and mental energy, so you’ll be fulfilling him.
Recall prevents your dog from getting into serious trouble (in a dog fight, run over, skunked, etc.) This life-saving command should be practiced every day to keep it sharp. Keep the leash on when you practice, so your dog can’t ignore you.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed about how to teach these skills, schedule your free call now. Our in-home sessions will help decrease your stress because of all the support you get in between sessions — it’s like having a dog trainer on speed dial.
Dogs are such a gift because they encourage us to take care of ourselves. They help us get daily exercise, get us out in nature, and help us limit our screen time…except when we’re taking another cute photo of them, of course.
It’s time to turn the volume down on your stress and turn the volume up on your happy.
Wishing you a happy day, Dog Leaders.
Photos by: A woman sitting crosslegged on a mountaintop during sunrise (eniko kis @enikoo); a broken Christmas tree ornament (freestocks @freestocks); Avalanche warning sign at the top of a mountain ( Nicolas Cool @shotz); A person filling a water bottle from a stainless steel tap (Bluewater Sweden @bluewaterglobe); A girl with a long blonde ponytail contemplates what to paint (Bárbara Fróes @barbarafroes); a woman sleeping on a comfy bed wearing a sleep mask (Dmitry Ganin @ganinph); a beautiful forest with sunlight filtering in (Sebastian Unrau @sebastian_unrau); Alyss Foulkes ( a woman wearing a pale pink top smiles at the camera. Her black poodle is relaxing on an elevated dog bed); a Yellow Lab puppy running toward the camera (Andrew Schultz @andrewschultz);