Be more like this guy. (Napping puppy being help by a relaxed human.)
The pandemic has many of us feeling nervous, tense, and fearful. If we are not exercising, we are not providing ourselves an outlet for those negative emotions.
How many of you find yourself more frustrated and irritable lately? Snapping at your dog for barking? Yelling at them for stealing your kid’s toys?
There is a build-up of negative energy in our systems and if we’re feeding it a steady diet of fear-inducing news broadcasts it’s only going to get worse.
If you find yourself making comments like this “My dog’s barking at air molecules now, I’m pretty sure,” or “Those people in front of my house are so LOUD. Why do they just STAND there talking in front of my house? Can’t they TELL I’m on a zoom meeting? Can’t they HEAR my dog barking at them?” it may be time to work on your own stress level.
There is a build-up of negative energy in our systems and if we’re feeding it a steady diet of fear-inducing news broadcasts it’s only going to get worse. (Woman hunched over wearing a surgical mask.)
Maybe your dog isn’t into barking. But maybe you’re finding that she’s simply not listening to you anymore. She used to come when called and sit after saying it once, and now she’s “ignoring me,” or “being willful, spiteful,” and all the other blame words we use on our dogs when they don’t do what we want right away.
Perhaps you’re seeing issues on the leash. Your dog who used to pull you along is now dragging you completely off your feet. She’s standing on her hind legs barking aggressively at other dogs.
If you’re asking yourself why your dog’s behaviour has gotten WORSE throughout the pandemic instead of better because you’re home all the time, it’s time to look in the mirror.
Let your dog be your teacher. Instead of blaming them for NOT wanting to walk with you, ask yourself WHY doesn’t my dog want to follow me or be near me right now? (Pug refuses to walk with little girl on the leash.)
What’s happening?
Stress is happening. And you’re not alone.
All of those unwanted behaviours are symptoms that something is wrong not only in your relationship with your dog, but your relationship with YOU.
Here are a few tips to help you and your dog feel better during the pandemic.
SLOW DOWN — Take a few deep breaths, stretch a little. Be kind to yourself. Once you put yourself in a positive frame of mind, call your dog over and slowly prepare for the walk.
PRO TIP: Do these steps in complete silence. Not sure how, scroll down to the bottom of the post where you can set up your FREE 15 minute phone call with me.
Don’t be afraid to take a few moments for yourself before you walk your dog. Relax and breathe. Dogs only follow calm leaders. Take a few moments to calm down. It is harder than it sounds, but worth it! (Picture: fluorescent sign that reads BREATHE in cursive writing, mounted on a wall of leaves,)
2. BE A SOURCE OF CALM AND CONFIDENT ENERGY — This is a tip that many dog lovers overlook. They are quick to point to their dog and say “He never listens,” or “He never shuts up,” but what they don’t know is that their OWN behaviour is what is CAUSING the problem with their dog in the first place. Before you walk your dog, take a few deep breaths. Imagine setting down all of your worries, all of the things sitting on your shoulders like heavy weights. Don’t bring negative thoughts and energy with you on your walk. Dogs do not follow instability. They follow stable leaders. You CAN become a stable leader at any time and the ripple effect will spread to all the people in your life as well. Everyone benefits from you deciding that you want to be a happier person for your dog — even YOU.
3. MEET YOUR DOG’S NEEDS — I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve worked with you are resistant to WALKING THEIR DOG. Walking your dog can eliminate aggression, anxiety, fear, and many other unwanted behaviours. It really is this simple: “Fish need to swim. Birds need to fly. Dogs need to walk.” Post in the comments below if you know who said these valuable and simple words of wisdom. If you’re not walking your dog then you’re not providing them with what THEY need. There are so many one-sided relationships out there — the human gets what THEY need (a couch-cuddle buddy and emotional support) and the dog get nothing but YELLED at for peeing inside the house, barking, or stealing food from the counter.
When I say walk your dog, I don’t mean let them pull you around to every bush, hydrant, squirrel, and other dog you see. To learn how to keep your shoulder from being pulled out of its socket when you walk your dog, read this:
Dogs need to walk. (Golden Retriever walking on leash with a person.)
We go Beyond Dog Training because we TEACH our clients how to successfully LIVE with their dogs and other pets in HARMONY.
If you want to fall in love with your dog again, click here:
You can book a 15 minute phone call with us to see if we’re the right fit for you and your family.
Have a fun and safe weekend, Dog Leaders!
Photos by: freestocks (sleeping French Bulldog nestled in a person’s arms,) engin akyurt (stressed woman sitting hunched over and wearing a surgical mask,) Vidar Nordli-Mathisen (pug refuses to walk on leash for little girl,) Fabian Møller (fluorescent sign that reads BREATHE in cursive writing, mounted on a wall of leaves,) Andriyko Podilnyk (Golden Retriever walking on leash with a person.)